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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hungry to Survive


My grandmother, known as Hana, was an inspiration in my life. A self starter, Hana always depended on herself. At a very young age her father was killled in a car crash. Her family was made up of her brother & her mother. No life insurance was every mention as a means to support them so my great grandmother took it upon her own to continue to raise her two children. Circa since 1920s'. In East Hartford, Conn.

Many of my comments will come from family expierences. And I have a lot of gratitude to give them.

Waitering. I recall Hana travelling alot. Since my mother attended about 10 schools in various states as a child. Waitressing was something she could do upon pulling into town.

#1) Meals: Working with food meant meals were part of your allowance. Eat your lunch and maybe take food home to your family too.

#2) Tips: Earning tips while working is key to why most people waitress. Hana would say "Cash in your pocket at the end of the night." Now some places let you keep your tips & others will make you pool your tips. Either way it a great source.

#3) Contacts: (Scene from an old black & white movie in Hollywood) The waitress says "We'll I am really studying to become an actress." Do the math. If you get in front 100 people a day you have a captive audience to create impressions or develop contacts for your needs.

I will pursue what makes one waiter bettter from the next one.

Carl Slicer

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